The Board of County Commissioners (BCC) Unanimously Approved Option 2 by Ordinance 2021- 7at the November 30, 2021 BCC Meeting.

Note: the Final Redistricting Map(PDF)does NOT show where the previous district boundaries were. It only shows the new district configuration.

Redistricting Option 2:

NOTE: Wall size maps are also posted downstairs in the County Administration Building, 102 Grant Ave., Santa Fe, NM 87504

Population Change by Precinct 2000 – 2010

Urbanized Precincts

Note: “Ideal Population” by District is 28,834 people (144,170/5) with an allowance of +/- 1,442 people(5% of 28,834) TABLES

2010 Precinct Population - Listed by Precinct and Population(PDF)

Additional Information