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Starts: October 12, 2023 at 4:00pm
Ends: October 12, 2023 at 6:00pm

Location: 100 Catron St. 2nd Floor- Palace Conference Room/Virtual

Water Policy Advisory Committee Meeting 4 pm – Hybrid meeting
Join by phone (attendees only) +1-408-418-9388,,24823888369## United States Toll United States Toll
Or in person at the Palace Conference Room – 1st Floor 100 Catron Street 87501
(if you plan to attend in person, you must be inside the building before 5pm)
1. Opening Business
A. Call to Order
B. Roll Call
C. Approval of Agenda
D. Approval of minutes from September 2023 meeting
E. Introduction of WPAC Members, Staff, and Guests
2. `Matters from the Public
Christine Chavez – City of Santa Fe Water Conservation Manager update
3. Action Items
A. Consideration of the Preliminary WPAC Report on the Wholesale Water Customer Application for the Canada de los Alamos MDWCA
B. Formation of a Stormwater subcommittee
C. Presentation to the BCC on Oct 31.
4. Discussion Items
A. Update of the Joint City/County meetings – Buckman/Santa Fe 2100
B. La Cienega Well Monitoring Program
D. Letter WPAC sent to BCC
5. Matters from the Committee
A. Any Matters from the Committee
6. Matters from County Staff
A. Update on SJCP Return Flow Pipeline and Planning Process
B. Update on Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System
C. County Staff Update
7. Public Meeting Disclosures
Santa Fe County makes every practical effort to assure that auxiliary aids or services are available for meetings and programs. Individuals who would like to request auxiliary aids or services should contact Santa Fe County Public Works Department at (505)-992-3045 in advance to discuss specific needs (e.g., interpreters for the hearing impaired or readers for the sight impaired).

WPAC 10-12-2023