News and Articles


Commission Endorses Health Security Act: Urges Passage During Legislative Session

The Santa Fe County Board of County Commissioners has passed a resolution urging the New Mexico Legislature to pass the Health Security Act during the 30 day 2008 Legislative Session.  “In


$60,000 Saved on Prescription Drugs with County Discount Card

Since August 2007, over 2500 Santa Fe County residents have saved almost $60,000 on prescription medication for themselves and their pets using the County’s prescription drug discount


No Oil & Gas Drilling for 6 Months

Effective today and continuing for the next 6 months, there will be no oil and gas drillingin New Mexico. The 6 month moratorium, announced today by Gov. Bill Richardson, is put in place to allow


New Date for Oil & Gas Drilling Ordinance Hearing Set

Santa Fe, NM – January 10, 2008 – The new date for Santa Fe County’s first public hearing for the proposed oil and gas drilling ordinance will be on January 22nd beginning at


County Ordinance to Prohibit Drilling in Culturally Significant Areas

Santa Fe County’s proposed new oil and gas drilling ordinance will prohibit any drilling and exploratory activities that have the potential to disturb or destroy historic artifacts.  The


Oil & Gas Drilling Ordinance Public Hearing Cancelled Due to Winter Storm

The first public hearing on Santa Fe County’s proposed new oil and gas drilling ordinance slated for this afternoon at Santa Fe Community College has been cancelled due to the winter


Revised Oil & Gas Drilling Ordinance Available Online

Santa Fe – January 4, 2008 – The revised version of Santa Fe County’s proposed oil and gas drilling ordinance is available[PDF 2MB]»   This version has taken into account


1st Public Hearing on Proposed Oil & Gas Drilling Ordinance on Jan. 7th

The Santa Fe Board of County Commissioners will be holding the first of two public hearings on the proposed new oil and gas drilling ordinance on Monday, January 7, 2008 at 3:00 P.M. at the Santa Fe


County Conducts Feasibility Study for waste water system in Sombrillo

Santa Fe County is currently conducting a feasibility study of a waste water system in the Sombrillo community in Northern  Santa Fe County – and the possible options available to meet


430 Election Workers Needed for Upcoming Election Season

Santa Fe County Clerk, Valerie Espinoza, invites Santa Fe County residents to become Election Workers.  Santa Fe County has 86 precincts staffed by poll workers for the June primary and the