Save Energy

Efficiency and reduction of energy use is one of the best steps you can take in sustainability. While not every house can have solar panels on it, remembering to turn off the light in an empty room is an easy step for anyone to make, and it does save a lot of energy.

Tips to save energy

  • Wash clothing in cold water, and dry on a line
  • Operate your dishwasher only when it is a full load
  • Adjust your thermostat—allowing your home to be slightly cooler in the winter and slightly warmer in summer will have a big effect. Just a 5 degree change can reduce your heating bill by 10%!
  • Close off unused portions of your home—no reason to heat up a room no one is using!
  • Take shorter showers to reduce water heating expenses (it may not seem intuitive, but water use is connected with electric use. The process of filtering, transporting, and heating water requires much energy, and generating electricity requires water. Learn more about the Energy-Water Nexus.)
  • Buy efficient appliances only. Whether it's a car or a refrigerator, look for the most efficient option. (See below for rebates!)
  • Insulate and weatherize your home.(See below for rebates!)

To find out the best way to reduce your home energy and water use, start with these free online tools:

Looking for a rebate to help your home be more efficient? Rebates are available in different regions of Santa Fe County. See below for what is available to you:

Region Resource
City of Santa Fe Water Efficiency Rebates
City of Santa Fe, and Eldorado Community Eye on Water App
CNMEC Members Rebate information for appliances, LEDs, and water heaters
Jemez Coop Members Appliance Rebates for Jemez Coop
Mora-San Miguel Electric Coop Members Appliance Rebates for Mora-San Miguel Coop
NM Gas customers Free low flow showerhead and rebates for insulation, smart thermostats, and energy efficient water heaters and space heaters.
PNM customers Home energy check up
Santa Fe County Happy Roofs Program: Free roof repair for qualifying residents
State of NM Energy Smart Program: Free efficiency upgrades for qualifying residents

Additional Resources

US Dept. of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - Comprehensive energy efficiency & renewable energy descriptions and advice

Residential Energy Services Network - Home Energy Ratings System (HERS)

US Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Star Program - Energy efficient products (appliances, electronics, HVAC), tips for saving energy, federal tax credits

NM Gas Company - Energy efficiency ideas and rebates for homes and businesses

NM Energy Conservation & Management Division - State tax credits and other incentives

Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) - Energy tips and incentives for homes and businesses 

Homewise - Energy efficient affordable homes for low and moderate income families, low interest loans for energy efficiency and renewable energy renovations for low and moderate income families

Building Performance Institute - Residential energy efficiency and healthy homes

City of Santa Fe - Green Building Code and related info

Zero Education Hub - US Office of Energy & Renewable Energy: Working on a project and need to understand the technical details? The ZERH Education Hub provides partners with training videos created by DOE, links to helpful content from other organizations, and information about training requirements for Raters working with the program


Will Donahoo
Sustainability Specialist
(505) 992-9862