0207007942/Agg. DWI,Suspended-Revoked License,No Insurance/10-06-2007
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Deputy Assigned: D. Clendenin
Commander Entering: Cpl. R. Sisneros
Location of Incident: Calle Nueva Vista, Santa Fe, NM
Arrested: Herman Flores, 22 YOA, 2500 Lopez Lane, Santa Fe, NM 87505
A traffic stop was conducted with the above individual at the above location due to having an obstructed windshield. Subject was found to be intoxicated and was arrested. Subject refused to submit to a chemical test to determine his level of intoxication. Subject's drivers licence was found to be suspended/revoked by the Dept. of Motor Vehicle and he also had a outstanding warrant out of Luna County. Subject had an open can of beer in his vehicle which was displaying the wrong license plate. Subject was booked at the Santa Fe County Detention Center on the above charges as well as the warrant.
Breaking & Entering
Deputy Assigned: Moises Pena
Commander Entering: Cpl. Bill Ritch
Location: CAmino De Rincon(Pojoaque)
Suspect: Unknown
Victim reported that on 10/5/2007 at 6:30pm she was asleep in her room when she was awoken by a male tapping her on the chest trying to wake her up. Victim stated that she pushed the male out of the way and ran to a neighbors home and called police. The area was checked but the male was not located, he was discribed as 5'7 medium build and having dark hair.
Case #0207007911 / Driving While Intoxicated / 10/05/2007
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Bryan Peters
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location of Incident: 53 Comanche Drive
Arrested Person: Monica Lira, 29 yoa female
Deputies responded to a reported vehicle parked in front of someone's residence with the lights on. Upon contact with the vehicle and driver, the above named defendant was found to be intoxicated and passed out behind the wheel. She was found to be in control of the vehicle with the keys in the ignition. The defendant was arrested and a blood test was conducted to determine her blood acohol content. The results are pending. The suspect was booked accordingly.
Case #0207007910 / Agravated DWI / 10-5-07
Deputy Assigned: Deputy David Clendenin
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: Cree Circle at Cree Court
Arrested: Allen Armijo Jr., 27 yoa, male
The driver was stopped in an area where shots had been reported fired. The driver was found to have consumed shots of liquor prior to driving. He was tested and arrested for DWI. The defendant refused to submit to chemical testing to determine the alcohol content in his blood.
Case #0207007912/Missing Person/Runaway/10-05-07
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Tracy Baca
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location of Incident: 1300 block of Bishop's Lodge Road
The reporting person notified this agency that her 14 year old daughter had ran away from La Otra Puerta Youth Shelter. The female was described as being 5' tall and weighing 125 pounds with blond hair and blue eyes. The child was entered into NCIC.
Case# 0207007904, Burglary, Date 10/04/07
Deputy Assigned: Moises Pena
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Calle Sin Sonte
On 10/04/07 between 7:15am and 2:30pm the suspects forced entry into the residence through a window. Taken was several electronic items. The case is still under investigation.
Case#: 0207007896, Burglary, Larceny, Date: 10/04/07
Deputy assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: 2100 Caja del Oro Grant Road, Santa Fe, NM
Vehicle information: 1998 Ford Explorer green in color bearing NM 660NXF
Victim reported that on 10/1/07 between 1300 and 1400 unknown person(s) entered her vehicle and took her purse which contained a Visa debit card, NM Driver's license, Mexican license, Mexican consulate ID, and $20.00 cash. No suspects at this time.
Case#: 0207007885, Aggravated Assault, Date: 10/04/07
Deputy assigned: Deputy Michael Martinez
Commander entering: Sgt. Linda Ortiz
Location: Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe, NM
Vehicle information: Small white in color pickup bearing NM 1103FLA
Victim reported that as she travelled down Cerrillos Road a male driving a white truck continuously attempted to ram her off the road. Victim did not know suspect. License plate obtained by victim came back record not on file. Suspect could not be located.
0207007863 Arrest by Warrant 10-03-07
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Vernon Naranjo
Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: 28 Camino Justicia
Arrested: David Cervantes DOB: 08-12-73
On the above date, the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a Magistrate Court Order for failure to pay fines.