Case #: 0207007883 / Aggravated DWI / 10-4-07

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Deputy Assigned: Deputy Ron Crow

Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien

Location of Incident: East Frontage Road at State Road 599

Arrested Person: Edward Matthew Quintana, 18 yoa, Santa Fe, NM

A Deputy observed the above listed suspect failing to maintain his lane of travel while traveling down the roadway. A traffic stop was coducted and a subsequent DWI investgiation was performed. The above named defendant was arrested and later submitted to a breath test. The results were: .19 and .18 respectively. He was booked into the County Jail.

0207007867 Falsely obtaining services or accommidations

Deputy assigned: Michael Delgado

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrgeo

Location of incident: 14 Camino Charro (West Frontage Rd)

Arrest/Suspect: none

 Victim repoted that on 9/25/07, he repaired a customers vehicle with a bill of $5,285.00. Customer wrote a check for the services, but when victim tried to cash the check, a stop payment was issued on the check. Suspect is fom Houston, TX.

0207007880 Robbery/Unlawful taking of a motor vehicle

Deputy assigned: David Jaramillo

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: Airport Rd/Fields Ln

Arrest/Charges: none

Victim reported that on 10/3/07 while he was at a taco stand, an aquaintance of his, and another unknown male approached him and confronted about some money he owed. A verbal argument ensued, at which point the suspect grabbed the victim and shoved him to the ground, holding him down, and told the other suspect to steal the victims truck: 2004 Ford F-150 4x4 truck. Suspect drove off in truck, while the other suspect got in his own vehicle, and followed his accomplice. Victim denied owing his "friend" any money. Suspect were identified, but were not located.


Deputy Assigned: Michael Delgado

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: 6 Horse Pk ( Rancho Viejo)

Arrest/Suspect: none

Victim reported that at approx 7:30pm on 10/3/07, unknow person(s), UNLAWFULLY GAINED ENTRY to the garage via an open door, and then stole an Apple I-Pod from the victims vehicle :2005 ChrysleR PT Cruiser, that was parked inside the garage. A bottle of wine ana a bottle of Vodka was also stole.

0207007872Unlawful taking of a Motor Vehicle

Deputy assigned: Dan Garcia

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

Location of incident: 3 Cavenee Circle-Edgewood NM

Arrest/Charges: none

Victim reported that on 10/3/07, at approx 6:20 pm some unknown person(s) STOLE his 1996 Chevy X-Cab 4X4 truck, red in color, bearing NM plate# JDD-971, while it was parked in his driveway. The keyys were in the ignition. The vehicle was last seen traveling south on NM 344.

Case#:  0207007834, Criminal Damage to Property, Date:  10/02/07

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Fred Suazo

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  area of La Pradera, Santa Fe, NM

Victim said that sometime between 9/7/07 and 9/9/07 some unknown person(s) opened the master bedroom upstairs metal French doors on her new contstruction house and slammed it into the  side of the home breaking the frame of the door.  Estimated damage amount is $2500.00.

Case#:  0207007828, Burglary, Larceny, Criminal Damage to Property, Date:  10/02/07

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Gerald Lovato

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  300 block of Los Pinos Road, Santa Fe, NM (La Cienega)

Unknown suspects entered the victim's residence through the front door by kicking it open.  The suspect's appeared to be disturbed by the victim's family member who was passing by.  A DVD player and misc. change was taken.    

Case#:  0207007823, Fraud, Date:  10/02/07

Deputy assigned:  Deputy Michael Martinez

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  Rayon St., Santa Fe, NM

Victim reported receiving a phone clal on 9/25/07 from unknown suspect claiming to be a representative of Bank of America and asking for personal information.  Victim stated after talking with suspect and thinking he was a true employee he gave the information requested.  Victim reported that suspect used his credit card to purchase items in Kentucky and in Mexico.  Estimated value on credit card is $9343.05. 

Case#:  0207007829, Concealing ID, Driving while license suspended/revoked, Traffic Violations, Date:  10/2/07

Deputy assigned:  Michael Martinez

Commander entering:  Sgt. Linda Ortiz

Location:  Camino La Tierra, Santa Fe, NM

Suspect:  Jose Jimenez, age 30, Santa Fe, NM

Charged:  Concealing ID, Driving on a suspended/revoked drivers license, traffic violations

Vehicle information:  1998 Chevy Malibu, maroon, license plate NM JDY860


Above suspect was arrested after observing suspect vehicle with non-operating brake lights and initiating a traffic stop where above suspect gave false information.  It was later determined true identity of person at the jail using jail photos.  Above person was found to be on a revoked license.  Subject was booked into the Santa Fe Adult Detention Center charged accordingly. 


Deputy assigned: Dan Garcia

Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego

 Location of incident: 15 Wilowa Rd (Apache Ridge)

Arrest/Charges: none

Victim reported that sometime between 5;00pm 9/30/07 and 3:00pm 10/2/07, unknown person(s), UNLAWFULLY GAINED ENTRY to residence by forcing a window screen open, and stole a lap top computer, misc jewelry valued at $1,900.00.