EPA Regulation of Stormwater in Santa Fe County
Programs in place
These programs regulate the stormwater discharges of Santa Fe County as part of Phase II regulations issued in 1999. These regulations require that small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) apply for permits.
New Mexico is one of four states that do not have authorization to issue permits under the Clean Water Act, including also Idaho, Massachusetts and New Hampshire. This means that the Federal agency, EPA, issues permits directly to local governments (cities and counties) and to New Mexico businesses and construction sites.
While new stormwater regulations have not yet been formally proposed or codified, EPA has incorporated many new features into the General Permit for New Mexico. This Watershed General Permit was proposed on Feb. 12, 2013.
As part of the Clean Water Act and NPDES regulations, businesses performing industrial activities may need to acquire coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit. Additional information may be found here:
Industrial Activities and Stormwater
Contractors performing construction activities involving one or more acres may also be required to gain coverage under the Construction General Permit to be in compliance with Clean Water Act and NPDES regulations. Additional information may be found here:
Construction Activities and Stormwater