Print PageDeputy assigned: David Jaramillo, Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego, Location of incident: 88 Paseo de AngelNorth. Suspect: Martin Dominguez/Hernandez age 39. Charges: none( Victim could not be located). On 8/26/07 Deputy responded to a stabbing, involving two cousins. The complainant/homeowner reported that two of his employees were living in a camping trailer on his property. The were both drinking and got into a fight. The victim reported to the complainant that the suspect pulled a knife on him and barely stabbed him in the chest, causing a pimple size puncture. The victim left the area and could not be located. The suspect was no longer wanted on the complainants property, so he was taken to St. Vincent ER/Sobering Center.
0207006701Aggravated DWI, Careless Driving
Deputy Assigned: Ron Crow, Commander entering: Sgt. Ernest Borrego, Location of incident: Hyde Park Rd MM 4, Suspect: David Vigil-821 Canyon Rd age 55, Charges: Agg DWI, Careless Driving, Driving while Suspended or Revoked. On 8/24/07, suspect was driving a 1886 Volvo 740 GLE 4d, white in color, and was west bound on Hyde Park Rd when he failed to negotiate a curb leaving the rodway and struck a tree. Suspect was found to be intoxicated,and was arrested at St. VINCENT hospital, and charged accordingly.
0207006725-Battery Against a Household Member
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Diego Lucero
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: 4000 block of Miles Lane
Arrested: Paul C de Baca, 35 yoa, Santa Fe, NM
Charge: Battery Against a Household Member
Deputies responded to a 911 call for service reporting a domestic dispute off of Miles Lane. Deputies located a woman that reported that her intoxicated husband had punched her repeatedly about the face and head. The woman displayed numerous visible injuries and was treated by medical personnel. The husband/defendant was apprehended and booked accordingly into the Santa Fe County Jail.
0207006724-Shooting From a Motor Vehicle
Deputy Assigned: Deputy Ron Crow
Commander Entering: Lieutenant Dennis O'Brien
Location: 3000 BLock of Jemez Road
Arrested: Jose Valerio, 38 yoa male
Deputies and Santa Fe Police Officers responded to a report of multiple shots fired near the Talavera Apartments, off of South Meadows Road. While checking the area, more shots were fired in the area, over the wall from the Talavera Apartments off of Jemez Road. Deputies responded to the area and while searching, were approached and contacted by a crime check male that pointed out an address off of Jemez Road. Deputies found the defendant sitting in his vehicle with the motor running, intoxicated and armed with a chrome plated handgun. Fourteen spent shell casings were found near the driver's door outside and interior seat compartment. The suspect was disarmed and taken into custody. He was booked accodingly for Aggravated DWI and Shooting at or from a Motor Vehicle.
0207006639 Resisting Obstructing an Officer
Deputy Assigned: Martin Rivera
Commander: Cpl. Rich Sisneros
Date of Incident: 08-22-07
Location: 5999 Airport Road Santa Fe, NM 87506
Suspect/Arrested: David Hutton, 26, 5999 Airport Road #4 Santa Fe, NM 87506
Charges: Resisting or Obstructing an officer
Subject was arrested at the above address as officers were called to this location due to a fight in progress. Upon officers contacting suspect he was very aggresive and would not cooperate with officers. As officers tried to detain suspect he resisted and tried to get away from officers. Subject was tased and placed into custody.
Case# 0207006689, Larceny
Date: 08/24/07
Deputy Assigned: Vanessa Hayes
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Crouch Court
Suspect: Pending
Charges: Pending
On 08/24/07 the victim had 3 TV's at his office. While he was gone for a hour one of the TV's turned up missing. He checked the area and found the TV hidden under some crates. The case is still under investigation.
Case# 0207006699, Burglary
Date: 08/24/07
Deputy Assigned: John Lucero
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: State Road 344
Suspect: Pending
Charges: Pending
Between 8/22/07 and 8/24/07 the victims were away on vacation. Upon returning they found their home broken into. The victims were unable to provide a list of items taken. The case is still under investigation.
Case# 0207006697, Burglary
Date: 08/24/07
Deputy Assigned: David Jaramillo
Commander Entering: Lt Robert Riggs
Location: Cuesta Road
Suspect: Pending
Charges: Pending
The reporting person was housesitting at a residence. He reported that the suspect entered the residence through a unlocked door. Taken was a CD player and rummaged through several items. The case is still under investigation.
0207006664 Warrant Arrest
deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Entering Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: ADC
Arrested: Juan Cordova DOB: 04-07-78
On 08-23-07 the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a local warrant out of the Magistrate Court for failure to appear.
0207006661 Warrant Arrest
Deputy Assigned: Agt. Gabe Gonzales
Entering Commander: Lt. Marco Lucero
Location: ADC
Arrested: Mona Leal DOB: 02-23-76
On 08-23-07 the above named defendant was arrested without incident on a local warrant out of the Magistrate Court for failure to appear.