La Cienega and La Cieneguilla 2024 Community Plan Update

Throughout 2024 the La Cienega / La Cieneguilla Planning Committee (LCLCPC) and Santa Fe County Planning Staff will conduct a community planning process to update the La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Community Plan. 

Community Planning Area Boundaries: Click here to view the Community Planning Area boundary map.


Planning Committee Meeting Materials

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Meeting 05 - July 16th, 2024

  • Meeting Agenda 7.16.24 (to be posted)

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Meeting 04 - June 18th, 2024

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Meeting 03 - May 7th, 2024

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Meeting 02 - April 16th, 2024

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Kickoff Meeting - March 19th, 2024

La Cienega La Cieneguilla Planning Committee Preliminary Meeting - February 8th, 2024


Contact Us: Questions? Comments? Please Call or Email Us

Nate Crail, Senior Community Planner
505-986-2452 ||

Joseph Scala, Community Planner
505-995-2727 ||


La Cienega and La Cieneguilla 2015 Community Plan Update

Click here to view the 2015 Community Plan.


La Cienega and La Cieneguilla 2001 Community Plan

The communities of La Cienega and La Cieneguilla are in the process of updating their 2001 Community Plan. Since the early 1990’s, residents of the community have been active in a variety planning efforts. In 2001, they completed the La Cienega/ La Cieneguilla Community Plan which was subsequently adopted by the BCC via Resolution 2001-117. In 2007 and again in 2009, the community identified the need to revisit the 2001 Community Plan in light of changes in the area. On January 12, 2011 a new planning committee was formed as per the provisions of Ordinance 2002- 9: La Cienega and La Cieneguilla Traditional Community Planning Area and La Cieneguilla Traditional Community Zoning District. The Ordinance calls for a nine member planning committee representing La Cieneguilla, Upper La Cienega, and Lower La

The following are the current committee members:

La Cieneguilla:
Jose Varela Lopez
Stan Jones
Katherine S. Becker

Lower La Cienega:
David Camp
Alonzo Gallegos
Gene Bostwick
Tom Dixon

Upper La Cienega:
Rick Dumiak
Ivan P. Trujillo
Sylvia LeMaster
Tino B. Gallegos

Santa Fe County Planning staff has been working with the La Cienega/La Cieneguilla Planning Committee in structuring a process to update the adopted Community Plan. Planning committee meetings are held regularly at the La Cienega Community Center. All meetings of the planning committee are open to the public. When completed a draft of the community plan update will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners to consider for adoption by resolution as an amendment to the Sustainable Growth Management Plan. The intent and purpose of this plan update is to:

  • Document and map changes and analyze impacts.
  • Revisit elements, strategies and recommendations identified in the 2001 La Cienega/ La Cieneguilla Plan.
  • Establish a land use plan that supports the community’s vision and goals.
  • Provide recommendations for zoning and development standards.
  • Draft a Community Work Plan that lists goals and identifies strategies to solve problems on an on-going basis with an emphasis on developing collaborative relationships between residents, governmental agencies and community organizations.

Plan Area Boundary

The plan area boundary is the same as the 2001 plan area boundary which follows the La Cienega Traditional Historic Community boundary. The boundary follows the upper edge of the La Bajada escarpment on the south, follows topographic features and County Road 56 C to the west and north, the southern airport boundary and NM State Highway 599 to the north and east, and Interstate 25 to the east and south.

Study Maps:

Census Information:

Committee Meeting Notes