Resolution: 2023-03-HB

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Fiscal Year 2024 Civil Rights Certification

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Fiscal Year 2024 Civil Rights Certification

Resolution: 2023-08-HB

A Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 2022-10- HB and Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Amended 2023 Voucher Payment Standard Schedule at One Hundred Twenty Percent of Fair Market Rent

A Resolution Repealing Resolution No. 2022-10- HB and Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Amended 2023 Voucher Payment Standard Schedule at One Hundred Twenty Percent of Fair Market Rents for the Remainder of Calendar Year 2023

Resolution: 2023-11-HB

A Resolution Adopting the 2024 Flat Rent Schedule for the Public Housing Program

A Resolution Adopting the 2024 Flat Rent Schedule for the Public Housing Program

Resolution: 2023-10-HB

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Authority’s 2024 Voucher Payment Standard Schedule

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Authority's 2024 Voucher Payment Standard Schedule

Resolution: 2023-09-HB

A Resolution Approving the Sant Fe County Housing Authority’s Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP)

A Resolution Approving the Sant Fe County Housing Authority's Admission and Continued Occupancy Policy (ACOP), Dwelling Lease, Grievance Procedures Policy, Housekeeping Policy, Transfers and Transfer Wailist Policy, And Termination and Eviction Policy for the Public Housing Program. 

Resolution: 2023-07-HB

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Administrative Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher Program

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority's Administrative Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher Program

Resolution: 2023-06-HB

A Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2023 Write-Off Uncollectable Tenant Accounts Receivable for the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s Public Housing Program and Housing Choice Voucher Program

A Resolution Approving the Fiscal Year 2023 Write-Off Uncollectable Tenant Accounts Receivable for the Santa Fe County Housing Authority's Public Housing Program and Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Resolution: 2023-05-HB

A Resolution Approving Operating Budget

A Resolution Approving Operating Budget

Resolution: 2023-04-HB

A Resolution Requesting Authorization to make Budget Adjustment

A Resolution Requesting Authorization to make Budget Adjustment

Resolution: 2023-02-HB

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority’s 2023 Utility Allowance Schedule for the Housing Choice Voucher Program

A Resolution Approving the Santa Fe County Housing Authority's 2023 Utility Allowance Schedule for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Resolution: 2023-01-HB


Annual Certification and Board Resolution

Acting on behalf of the Board of Commissioners of the Public Housing Agency (PHA) listed below, as its Chairman or other authorized PHA official, I approve the submission of the 5-Year PHA Plan for the PHA of which this document is a part, and make the following certification and agreements with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in connection with the submission of the public housing program of the agency and implementation thereof:
The PHA certifies that it will carry out the public housing program of the agency in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Fair Housing Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and will affirmatively further fair housing by examining their programs or proposed programs, identifying any impediments to fair housing choice within those program, addressing those impediments in a reasonable fashion in view of the resources available and working with local jurisdictions to implement any of the jurisdiction's initiatives to affirmatively further fair housing that require the PHA's involvement and by maintaining records reflecting these analyses and actions.

Resolution: 2023-134

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the Amount of $275,000 for the Cerrillos Park Project

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the Amount of $275,000 for the Cerrillos Park Project

Resolution: 2023-133

A Resolution Updating the Strategic Plan for Santa Fe County by Repealing and Replacing Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2022-115, A Resolution Adopting the Strategic Plan for Santa Fe County

 A Resolution Updating the Strategic Plan for Santa Fe County by Repealing and Replacing Exhibit A to Resolution No. 2022-115, A Resolution Adopting the Strategic Plan for Santa Fe County

Resolution: 2023-132

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-096 to Designate an Official Representative for Grant SAP 23-H2489-GF for the Glorieta Sewer System Improvement

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-096 to Designate an Official Representative for Grant SAP 23-H2489-GF for the Glorieta Sewer System Improvement

Resolution: 2023-131

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-094 to Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to Sign the Agreement Approving Grant SAP 23-H2488-GF for the Wastewater Treatment System

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-094 to Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to Sign the Agreement Approving Grant SAP 23-H2488-GF for the Wastewater Treatment System and Water Tanks Construction at the Santa Fe Opera Site and Designating an Alternate Official Representative.

Resolution: 2023-130

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-094 to Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to Sign the Agreement Approving Grant SAP 23-H2487-GF for the Agua Fria Village

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2023-094 to Authorize the Chair of the Board of County Commissioners to Sign the Agreement Approving Grant SAP 23-H2487-GF for the Agua Fria Village Utility Sewer System Expansion and Designating an Alternate Official Representative

Resolution: 2023-129

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-088 to Designate the County Manager as an Official Representative, an Alternate Official Representative, and a Designated Agent for Grant #21-F2378-STB

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-088 to Designate the County Manager as an Official Representative, an Alternate Official Representative, and a Designated Agent for Grant #21-F2378-STB for the Agua Fria Wastewater System Expansion, and Acceptance of Amendment 1 for Said Grant.

Resolution: 2023-128

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the Amount of $2,310,000 for the Purchase of a Building

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Capital Outlay GRT Fund (313) in the Amount of $2,310,000 for the Purchase of a Building to Support the Functions of the Santa Fe County Clerk's Office

Resolution: 2023-127

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Make Offers to Purchase and Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Office and Warehouse Space in Santa Fe, NM

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Make Offers to Purchase and Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Office and Warehouse Space in Santa Fe, NM, to Support the Functions of the Santa Fe County Clerk’s Office

Resolution: 2023-126

A Resolution Authorizing Santa Fe County to Apply for the Community Energy Efficiency Development (CEED) Grant and Delegating the County Manager Authority to Execute all Related Documents

A Resolution Authorizing Santa Fe County to Apply for the Community Energy Efficiency Development (CEED) Grant and Delegating the County Manager Authority to Execute all Related Documents and Agreements

Resolution: 2023-125

A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Secure Multi-Line, Law Enforcement, and Other Insurance Coverages for Calendar Year 2024

A Resolution Authorizing the County Manager to Secure Multi-Line, Law Enforcement, and Other Insurance Coverages for Calendar Year 2024; to Finalize Negotiations for Such Coverages; and to Execute All Documents Necessary to Effectuate Such Coverages

Resolution: 2023-124

A Resolution Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2024 in Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)

A Resolution Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2024 in Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and to the Meetings of County Boards and Committees Created and Appointed by the BCC (Appointed County Committees); Establishing Permissable Meeting Locations and a Webcast and Broadcast Policy; and Requiring Meeting Agendas to Include Instructions on How the Public Can Participate in Meetings Remotely.

Resolution: 2023-123

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Fire Protection Fund (209) for Various Fire Districts in the Amount of $5,493,371

, A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Fire Protection Fund (209) for Various Fire Districts in the Amount of $5,493,371

Resolution: 2023-122

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Environmental Sustainability and Climate Action

Resolution: 2023-121

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Community Development

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Community Development

Resolution: 2023-120

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Affordable Housing

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities for Affordable Housing

Resolution: 2023-119

A Resolution Supporting the New Mexico Counties 2024 Legislative Priorities

A Resolution Supporting the New Mexico Counties 2024 Legislative Priorities

Resolution: 2023-118

A Resolution Identifying General Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities

A Resolution Identifying General Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities

Resolution: 2023-117

A Resolution Identifying 2024 Legislative Capital Outlay Priorities

A Resolution Identifying 2024 Legislative Capital Outlay Priorities

Resolution: 2023-116

A Resolution Authorizing Holidays, Closing of County Offices, and the 2024 Santa Fe County Employee Calendar

A Resolution Authorizing Holidays, Closing of County Offices, and the 2024 Santa Fe County Employee Calendar

Resolution: 2023-115

A Resolution Committing to Fund at Least Fifty Percent (50%) of the Total Project Cost for Security Camera System and Access Control Door Upgrades at the Judge Steve Herrera Judicial Complex

A Resolution Committing to Fund at Least Fifty Percent (50%) of the Total Project Cost for Security Camera System and Access Control Door Upgrades at the Judge Steve Herrera Judicial Complex and Committing to Execute an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) to Receive AOC Funds as Reimbursement for Up to 50% of Costs as Incurred for the Project.

Resolution: 2023-114

A Resolution Modifying Solid Waste Convenience Center Schedule to Close Locations on Sundays

A Resolution Modifying Solid Waste Convenience Center Schedule to Close Locations on Sundays

Resolution: 2023-113

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to Various Funds in the Amount of $2,223,934

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to Various Funds in the Amount of $2,223,934

Resolution: 2023-112

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase in Various Funds to Carry Forward the FY2023 Encumbrance Balances into FY2024 in the Amount of $54,330,268

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase in Various Funds to Carry Forward the FY2023 Encumbrance Balances into FY2024 in the Amount of $54,330,268

Resolution: 2023-111

A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the State Special Appropriation Fund (318) to Budget Grant #23-H3185 in the Amount of $600,000

A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the State Special Appropriation Fund (318) to Budget Grant #23-H3185 in the Amount of $600,000

Resolution: 2023-110

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Health Care Assistance Fund (223) in the Amount of $200,000 to Budget a Grant Received from the State of New Mexico, Behavioral Health Services

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Health Care Assistance Fund (223) in the Amount of $200,000 to Budget a Grant Received from the State of New Mexico, Behavioral Health Services Division

Resolution: 2023-109

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Decrease to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Fund (206) in the Amount of $2,834

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Decrease to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Fund (206) in the Amount of $2,834

Resolution: 2023-108

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to Fire Protection Fund (209) for Various Fire Districts in the Amount of $97,018

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to Fire Protection Fund (209) for Various Fire Districts in the Amount of $97,018

Resolution: 2023-107

A Resolution Requesting Budget Adjustments to Various Funds in the Amount of $1,534,288

A Resolution Requesting Budget Adjustments to Various Funds in the Amount of $1,534,288

Resolution: 2023-106

A Resolution Adopting the Santa Fe County Developer Assistance Program Regulations Providing for the Provision of Housing Assistance Grants and Loans to Acquire, Develop, Convert, Rehabilitate

A Resolution Adopting the Santa Fe County Developer Assistance Program Regulations Providing for the Provision of Housing Assistance Grants and Loans to Acquire, Develop, Convert, Rehabilitate or Preserve Affordable Housing, to Finance or Support Infrastructure Improvements for Affordable Housing, and to Allow Santa Fe County to Provide Donations of Land, Buildings and Other Assets for the Creation of Affordable Housing Pursuant to the County’s Affordable Housing Plan, Santa Fe County Ordinance 2023-05, the New Mexico Affordable Housing Act and the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Act Rules.

Resolution: 2023-105

A Resolution Providing Notice of Determination Not to Update Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan or Impact Fees for Santa Fe County Fire and Rescue Impact Fees

A Resolution Providing Notice of Determination Not to Update Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan or Impact Fees for Santa Fe County Fire and Rescue Impact Fees

Resolution: 2023-104

A Resolution Repealing and Replacing Resolution Nos. 2016-137 and 2018-15, and Authorizing Certain Employees to Enforce by the Issuance of Citation and by Prosecution Violations

A Resolution Repealing and Replacing Resolution Nos. 2016-137 and 2018-15, and Authorizing Certain Employees to Enforce by the Issuance of Citation and by Prosecution Violations of Santa Fe County Ordinance 2023-06, the Santa Fe County Fire Code

Resolution: 2023-103

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities Related to Health and Community Services

A Resolution Identifying Santa Fe County 2024 Legislative Priorities Related to Health and Community Services

Resolution: 2023-102

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of a 0.3915-Acre Parcel of Land Located at 2515 NM-14, Madrid, NM

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of a 0.3915-Acre Parcel of Land Located at 2515 NM-14, Madrid, NM in Santa Fe County Required for the Installation of an Underground Water Tank for Training Purposes and Fire Supression. 

Resolution: 2023-101

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute

Resolution: 2023-095

Resolution 2023-095 A Resolution Approving Grant SAP 23-H2488-GF for the Wastewater Treatment System and Water Tanks Construction at the Santa Fe Opera Site and Designating an Official Representative,

A Resolution Approving Grant SAP 23-H2488-GF for the Wastewater Treatment System and Water Tanks Construction at the Santa Fe Opera Site and Designating an Official Representative, Designated Agent, and Fiscal Agent for Such Grant.

Resolution: 2023-094

Resolution 2023-094 A Resolution Approving Grant SAP 23-H2487-GF for the Agua Fria Village Utility Sewer System Expansion and Designating an Official Representative, Designated Agent, and Fiscal Agent

A Resolution Approving Grant SAP 23-H2487-GF for the Agua Fria Village Utility Sewer System Expansion and Designating an Official Representative, Designated Agent, and Fiscal Agent for Such Grant

Resolution: 2023-100

Resolution 2023-100 A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of a 16.75-Acre Parcel of Land Located at 37 Senda Vieja in Santa Fe County

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign All Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of a 16.75-Acre Parcel of Land Located at 37 Senda Vieja in Santa Fe County Required for the Installation of Utility Infrastructure for the Pojoaque Basin Regional Water System (PBRWS).

Resolution: 2023-099

Resolution 2023-099 A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-L500481 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Calle Gurule (CR 51E), Moya Road, and Moya Place.

A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-L500481 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Calle Gurule (CR 51E), Moya Road, and Moya Place.

Resolution: 2023-098

Resolution 2023-098 A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SB-L500505 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of La Puebla Road and West Alameda (CR 70).

A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SB-L500505 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of La Puebla Road and West Alameda (CR 70).

Resolution: 2023-097

Resolution 2023-097 A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-L500512 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Quiet Valley Loop and Quiet Valley Circle.

A Resolution Adopting Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-L500512 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Quiet Valley Loop and Quiet Valley Circle.

Resolution: 2023-096

Resolution 2023-096 A Resolution Confirming and Ratifying the County Manager’s Signature Approving Grant SAP 23-H2489-GF for the Glorieta Sewer System Improvement and Designating an Official Represent

A Resolution Confirming and Ratifying the County Manager's Signature Approving Grant SAP 23-H2489-GF for the Glorieta Sewer System Improvement and Designating an Official Representative, Designated Agent, and Fiscal Agent for Such Grant.

Resolution: 2023-093

Resolution 2023-093 A Resolution Directing Staff to Engage with Expert Consultants Regarding Commercial Renewable Energy Projects in Santa Fe County and Post Information Concerning Conditional Use

A Resolution Directing Staff to Engage with Expert Consultants Regarding Commercial Renewable Energy Projects in Santa Fe County and Post Information Concerning Conditional Use Permit Applications for Such Projects on the County's Website.

Resolution: 2023-092

Resolution 2023-092 Adopting Projects for Inclusion in Santa Fe County’s Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2025-2029; Authorizing Submittal of Plan to the New Mexico Department

Adopting Projects for Inclusion in Santa Fe County’s Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2025-2029; Authorizing Submittal of Plan to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration; and Replacing Resolution 2022-073.

Resolution: 2023-091

Resolution 2023-091 A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 102-164, A Resolution Adopting the 2012 Santa Fe County Human Resources Handbook to Replace the 2008 Santa Fe County Human Resources Handbook,

 A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 102-164, A Resolution Adopting the 2012 Santa Fe County Human Resources Handbook to Replace the 2008 Santa Fe County Human Resources Handbook, to Modify Provisions Governing Loss or Limitation of Driving Privileges.

Resolution: 2023-090

Resolution 2023-090 A Notice of Sale Resolution for General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2023 in a Principal Amount of Up to $25,000,000, Including Approval of Forms of a Preliminary Official

A Notice of Sale Resolution for General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2023 in a Principal Amount of Up to $25,000,000, Including Approval of Forms of a Preliminary Official Statement and Registrar/Paying Agent Agreement.

Resolution: 2023-089

Resolution 2023-089 A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2015-13 To Make Changes Related to Membership Criteria, Term Limits and Quorum Calculations for The Transportation Advisory Committee.

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2015-13 To Make Changes Related to Membership Criteria, Term Limits and Quorum Calculations for The Transportation Advisory Committee.

Resolution: 2023-088

Resolution 2023-088 A Resolution Adopting Projects for Inclusion in Santa Fe County’s Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) for Fiscal Years 2025-2029; Authorizing Submittal of Plan to the

 A Resolution Adopting Projects for Inclusion in Santa Fe County's Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP) for Fiscal Years 2025-2029; Authorizing Submittal of Plan to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration; and Replacing Resolution 2023-009.

Resolution: 2023-087

Resolution 2023-087 A Resolution Amending Resolution 2023-070 Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2023 In Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of

A Resolution Amending Resolution 2023-070 Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2023 In Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and to the Meetings of County Boards and Committees Created and Appointed by the BCC; Amending Appendix 1 Relative to Virtual Meeting Information.

Resolution: 2023-086

Resolution 2023-086 A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign all Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Two Parcels of Real Property Near Golden, NM as an Addition to the County’

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Sign all Documents Necessary for the Acquisition of Two Parcels of Real Property Near Golden, NM as an Addition to the County's San Pedro Open Space Property.

Resolution: 2023-085

Resolution 2023-085 A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Execute the Donation Agreement and Closing Documents for the Acquisition of a 2.16-acre Parcel of Real Property Known as 10

A Resolution Granting the County Manager Authority to Execute the Donation Agreement and Closing Documents for the Acquisition of a 2.16-acre Parcel of Real Property Known as 10 Little Hills Near Cerrillos Hills State Park in Santa Fe County as an Addition to the County Open Space & Trails Program.

Resolution: 2023-084

Resolution 2023-084 A Resolution Supporting the Twelfth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive in Coordination with The Food Depot.

A Resolution Supporting the Twelfth Annual Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive in Coordination with The Food Depot.

Resolution: 2023-083

Resolution 2023-083 A Resolution Adopting the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan as Approved by the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Thus Enabling Santa Fe County to Establish an Affordable

A Resolution Adopting the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan as Approved by the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Thus Enabling Santa Fe County to Establish an Affordable Housing Ordinance to Promote Affordable Housing in Santa Fe County.

Resolution: 2023-082

Resolution 2023-082 A Resolution Authorizing Santa Fe County to Enter Into Settlement Agreements with Walgreens, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, and KVK-Tech, Inc. to Resolve the County

A Resolution Authorizing Santa Fe County to Enter Into Settlement Agreements with Walgreens, Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Amneal Pharmaceuticals, and KVK-Tech, Inc. to Resolve the County’s Pending Litigation Consolidated and Currently Pending in the Northern District of Ohio, In re: Opioid Litigation, MDL 2804, and Authorizing the County Manager to Execute on Behalf of the County All Documents Necessary or Proper to Effectuate the County’s Participation in the Settlement Agreements.

Resolution: 2023-081

Resolution 2023-081 A Resolution Approving the County’s Fiscal Year 2023 Fourth Quarter Financial Report for Submittal to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government

A Resolution Approving the County's Fiscal Year 2023 Fourth Quarter Financial Report for Submittal to the New Mexico Department of Finance and Administration, Local Government Division, as a Component of the Fiscal Year 2024 Final Budget Submission.

Resolution: 2023-080

Resolution 2023-080 Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-L500526 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of CR 74, Frasco Road, Frasco Way, Frasco Terrace, A

Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SP-L500526 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of CR 74, Frasco Road, Frasco Way, Frasco Terrace, Avenida Buena Ventura, & Dinkle Road (CR 8). 

Resolution: 2023-079

Resolution 2023-079 Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SB-L500551 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Valle Vista Boulevard, Las Lomas Drive, San

 Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. SB-L500551 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of Valle Vista Boulevard, Las Lomas Drive, San Mateo Way, Sierra Place, Tusa Drive, & Val Verde Drive.

Resolution: 2023-078

Resolution 2023-078 Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-L500546 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of La Joya Road (CR 63).

 Resolution Adopting the Local Governments Road Improvement Fund Project No. CAP-L500546 for Pavement Rehabilitation/Improvements of La Joya Road (CR 63).

Resolution: 2023-077

Resolution 2023-077 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth $5,000 or Less in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth $5,000 or Less in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-076

Resolution 2023-076 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth $5,000 or Less in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth $5,000 or Less in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-072

Resolution 2023-072 A Resolution Appointing Five Members to the Board of Registration for the Term of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.

A Resolution Appointing Five Members to the Board of Registration for the Term of July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025.

Resolution: 2023-075

Resolution 2023-075 A Resolution Delegating Authority to the County Manager to Sign all Documents Necessary to Execute Lease Agreement No. 2023-0234-PW/BT between Santa Fe County and Paul Thompson &

A Resolution Delegating Authority to the County Manager to Sign all Documents Necessary to Execute Lease Agreement No. 2023-0234-PW/BT between Santa Fe County and Paul Thompson & Associates for the County’s Premises Located at 2600 Galisteo Road.

Resolution: 2023-074

Resolution 2023-074 A Resolution Adopting the Countywide Climate Action Plan Phase I and Supporting Its Implementation.

A Resolution Adopting the Countywide Climate Action Plan Phase I and Supporting Its Implementation.

Resolution: 2023-073

Resolution 2023-073 A Resolution To Adopt The Santa Fe County Transit Service Plan for FY 2024 And To Direct Staff To Submit That Transit Service Plan to the North Central Regional Transit District.

A Resolution To Adopt The Santa Fe County Transit Service Plan for FY 2024 And To Direct Staff To Submit That Transit Service Plan to the North Central Regional Transit District.

Resolution: 2023-071

Resolution 2023-071 A Resolution Requesting a Budget Adjustment in the Sum Amount of $77,136 to the Law Enforcement Protection Fund (211) and the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246).

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Adjustment in the Sum Amount of $77,136 to the Law Enforcement Protection Fund (211) and the Law Enforcement Operations Fund (246).

Resolution: 2023-070

Resolution 2023-070 A Resolution Amending Resolution 2022-110 Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2023 In Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of

A Resolution Amending Resolution 2022-110 Determining Reasonable Notice for Calendar Year 2023 In Accordance With the New Mexico Open Meetings Act, Applicable to All Meetings of the Board of County Commissioners and to the Meetings of County Boards and Committees Created and Appointed by the BCC; Amending Public Health Emergency Provisions; Adding Locations for Public Access to Notices and Agendas; Adding Examples of Appointed County Committees and County Working Groups; and Requiring Accessibility Statement.

Resolution: 2023-069

Resolution 2023-069 A Resolution Correcting Scrivener’s Errors in Resolution 2023-64, A Resolution to Commit Santa Fe County Fiscal Year 2023 Fund Balance.

A Resolution Correcting Scrivener’s Errors in Resolution 2023-64, A Resolution to Commit Santa Fe County Fiscal Year 2023 Fund Balance.

Resolution: 2023-068

Resolution 2023-068 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-067

Resolution 2023-067 A Resolution Designating the Polling Places of Each Precinct in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and Consolidating Precincts, Amending the Boundaries of Voting Precincts by Combining

 A Resolution Designating the Polling Places of Each Precinct in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and Consolidating Precincts, Amending the Boundaries of Voting Precincts by Combining 2 Precincts and Creating 1 New and Separate Voting Precinct, as Required by Section 1-3-1(B) and (C) NMSA 1978.

Resolution: 2023-066

Resolution 2023-066 A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-071, as Amended by Resolution Nos. 2022-018, 2022-071, 2022-076, to Replace the Polling Place/Voter Convenience Center for the Consolidate

A Resolution Amending Resolution No. 2021-071, as Amended by Resolution Nos. 2022-018, 2022-071, 2022-076, to Replace the Polling Place/Voter Convenience Center for the Consolidated Precinct Consisting of Precincts 4 and 87; and to Eliminate a Polling Place/Voter Convenience Center for the Consolidated Precinct Consisting of Precincts 11, 24, 25, 27, 33, 130, 155, 159 and 160.

Resolution: 2023-065

Resolution 2023-065 A Resolution Requesting Adoption of the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (FY 2024)

A Resolution Requesting Adoption of the Final Budget for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (FY 2024)

Resolution: 2023-064

Resolution 2023-064 A Resolution to Commit Santa Fe County Fiscal Year 2023 Fund Balance.

A Resolution to Commit Santa Fe County Fiscal Year 2023 Fund Balance.

Resolution: 2023-063

Resolution 2023-063 Delegating to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate and Execute all Documents with the 200 West DeVargas Street Association Necessary to Continue the County’s Access for

Delegating to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate and Execute all Documents with the 200 West DeVargas Street Association Necessary to Continue the County’s Access for Parking and Continued Remediation and Monitoring Activities on the Association’s Parking Lot.

Resolution: 2023-062

Resolution 2023-062 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-061

Resolution 2023-061 A Resolution Governing Incentive Pay for Certain Employees in the County Assessor’s Office Who Obtain Appraiser Certificates and Comply With Continuing Education Requirements and

A Resolution Governing Incentive Pay for Certain Employees in the County Assessor’s Office Who Obtain Appraiser Certificates and Comply With Continuing Education Requirements and Repealing Resolution 2015-153, A Resolution Governing Incentive Pay for Appraisers Employed in the County Assessor’s Office Who Obtain Appraiser Certificates and Comply with Continuing Education Requirements.

Resolution: 2023-060

Resolution 2023-060 A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the Utilities Enterprise Fund (505) in the Amount of $750,000.

A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the Utilities Enterprise Fund (505) in the Amount of $750,000. 

Resolution: 2023-059

Resolution 2023-059 A Resolution Delegating to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate for Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Fiscal Year 2024 and Execute Purchase Orders, Agreements, and Other

A Resolution Delegating to the County Manager the Authority to Negotiate for Workers' Compensation Coverage for Fiscal Year 2024 and Execute Purchase Orders, Agreements, and Other Documents Necessary or Advisable to Effectuate Such Coverage.

Resolution: 2023-058

Resolution 2023-058 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-057

Resolution 2023-057 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth More Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-056

Resolution 2023-056 A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

A Resolution Authorizing the Disposition of Fixed Assets Worth Less Than $5,000 in Accordance with State Statute.

Resolution: 2023-055

Resolution 2023-055 A Resolution Supporting the Administrative and Legislative Protections of the Upper Pecos River Watershed Through the Withdrawal of Mineral Rights.

A Resolution Supporting the Administrative and Legislative Protections of the Upper Pecos River Watershed Through the Withdrawal of Mineral Rights.

Resolution: 2023-054

Resolution 2023-054 A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the 2016 GRT Revenue Bond Fund (355) in the Amount of $315,252 and to Move Funds in the 2021 GOB Series Fund (357) Between Projects.

A Resolution Requesting an Increase to the 2016 GRT Revenue Bond Fund (355) in the Amount of $315,252 and to Move Funds in the 2021 GOB Series Fund (357) Between Projects.

Resolution: 2023-053

Resolution 2023-053 A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Section 8 Voucher Fund (227) and the General Fund (101) in the Combined Amount of $145,635.

A Resolution Requesting a Budget Increase to the Section 8 Voucher Fund (227) and the General Fund (101) in the Combined Amount of $145,635.

Ordinance: 2023-09

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2023-06, the Santa Fe County Fire Code, to Adopt Current NFPA 855 Stationary Energy Storage Systems Standards

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2023-06, the Santa Fe County Fire Code, to Adopt Current NFPA 855 Stationary Energy Storage Systems Standards

Ordinance: 2023-08

An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2022-07, the Short-Term Rental Regulation, Registration and Licensing Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 1992-3, The Business Registration and Licensing Ordinance

An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2022-07, the Short-Term Rental Regulation, Registration and Licensing Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 1992-3, The Business Registration and Licensing Ordinance, to Extend the Moratorium on Non-Owner-Occupied Short-Term Rentals. 

Ordinance: 2023-07

An Ordinance Amending The Sustainable Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 2016-9, to Amend Section 12.14 (Transfer Of Development Rights) to Amend the TDR Ratio

An Ordinance Amending The Sustainable Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 2016-9, to Amend Section 12.14 (Transfer Of Development Rights) to Amend the TDR Ratio to Increase the Number of Additional Dwelling Units Allowed Per TDR; To Establish TDR Transfer Ratios for Dimensional Standards; To Exempt Affordable Housing from the Requirement to Purchase TDRs; To Make Minor Technical and Grammatical Changes; To Revise Procedural Standards; To Add A New Section To Allow a Density Charge Option In Lieu Of TDRs; and To Amend the Definition of Lot Coverage In Appendix A of the SLDC.

Ordinance: 2023-06

Ordinance 2023-06 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Santa Fe County Ordinance No. 2018-08 Thereby Updating the Santa Fe County Fire Code by Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the

An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Santa Fe County Ordinance No. 2018-08 Thereby Updating the Santa Fe County Fire Code by Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the International Fire Code; Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code; Regulating Fireworks and Excessive Fire Alarms; Requiring Fire Inspections; Providing for Fire Protection System Plan Reviews; and Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Collection of Fees.

Ordinance: 2023-05

Ordinance 2023-05 An Ordinance Adopting the 2023 Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan and Establishing the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Assistance Grant and Loan Ordinance Pursuant to the New

An Ordinance Adopting the 2023 Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan and Establishing the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Assistance Grant and Loan Ordinance Pursuant to the New Mexico Affordable Housing Act and the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Rules; Repealing and Replacing Ordinance Nos. 2009-14, as Amended, and 2011-3, as Amended.

Ordinance: 2023-04

Ordinance 2023-04 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance No. 1989-2, and Amending Ordinance No. 2009-011 to Update and Define Property Nuisance Abatement and Provide for a Clean and Lien

An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance No. 1989-2, and Amending Ordinance No. 2009-011 to Update and Define Property Nuisance Abatement and Provide for a Clean and Lien Enforcement Process.

Ordinance: 2023-03

Ordinance 2023-03 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 1996-16,2004-1, 2006-12, and 2008-18 by Revising the Boundary of the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community and Declaring A Portion

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 1996-16,2004-1, 2006-12, and 2008-18 by Revising the Boundary of the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community and Declaring A Portion of “Area 1B” to be Included Within the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community.

Ordinance: 2023-09

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2023-06, the Santa Fe County Fire Code, to Adopt Current NFPA 855 Stationary Energy Storage Systems Standards

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 2023-06, the Santa Fe County Fire Code, to Adopt Current NFPA 855 Stationary Energy Storage Systems Standards

Ordinance: 2023-08

An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2022-07, the Short-Term Rental Regulation, Registration and Licensing Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 1992-3, The Business Registration and Licensing Ordinance

An Emergency Ordinance Amending Ordinance 2022-07, the Short-Term Rental Regulation, Registration and Licensing Ordinance, and Ordinance No. 1992-3, The Business Registration and Licensing Ordinance, to Extend the Moratorium on Non-Owner-Occupied Short-Term Rentals. 

Ordinance: 2023-07

An Ordinance Amending The Sustainable Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 2016-9, to Amend Section 12.14 (Transfer Of Development Rights) to Amend the TDR Ratio

An Ordinance Amending The Sustainable Land Development Code, Ordinance No. 2016-9, to Amend Section 12.14 (Transfer Of Development Rights) to Amend the TDR Ratio to Increase the Number of Additional Dwelling Units Allowed Per TDR; To Establish TDR Transfer Ratios for Dimensional Standards; To Exempt Affordable Housing from the Requirement to Purchase TDRs; To Make Minor Technical and Grammatical Changes; To Revise Procedural Standards; To Add A New Section To Allow a Density Charge Option In Lieu Of TDRs; and To Amend the Definition of Lot Coverage In Appendix A of the SLDC.

Ordinance: 2023-06

Ordinance 2023-06 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Santa Fe County Ordinance No. 2018-08 Thereby Updating the Santa Fe County Fire Code by Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the

An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Santa Fe County Ordinance No. 2018-08 Thereby Updating the Santa Fe County Fire Code by Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the International Fire Code; Adopting with Modifications the 2021 Edition of the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code; Regulating Fireworks and Excessive Fire Alarms; Requiring Fire Inspections; Providing for Fire Protection System Plan Reviews; and Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Collection of Fees.

Ordinance: 2023-05

Ordinance 2023-05 An Ordinance Adopting the 2023 Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan and Establishing the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Assistance Grant and Loan Ordinance Pursuant to the New

An Ordinance Adopting the 2023 Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Plan and Establishing the Santa Fe County Affordable Housing Assistance Grant and Loan Ordinance Pursuant to the New Mexico Affordable Housing Act and the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority Rules; Repealing and Replacing Ordinance Nos. 2009-14, as Amended, and 2011-3, as Amended.

Ordinance: 2023-04

Ordinance 2023-04 An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance No. 1989-2, and Amending Ordinance No. 2009-011 to Update and Define Property Nuisance Abatement and Provide for a Clean and Lien

An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing Ordinance No. 1989-2, and Amending Ordinance No. 2009-011 to Update and Define Property Nuisance Abatement and Provide for a Clean and Lien Enforcement Process.

Ordinance: 2023-03

Ordinance 2023-03 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 1996-16,2004-1, 2006-12, and 2008-18 by Revising the Boundary of the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community and Declaring A Portion

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance Nos. 1996-16,2004-1, 2006-12, and 2008-18 by Revising the Boundary of the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community and Declaring A Portion of “Area 1B” to be Included Within the Village of Agua Fria Traditional Historic Community.